Athletics Philosophy
Brittany Martin
Athletics Director
At St. Abe’s we see our Athletics Department as a great way for students to learn teamwork, build school spirit, try new activities, and minister to the community. Every sporting event is an opportunity for fellowship or evangelism, and we make that a part of the athletic handbook.
Our middle school is a member of the Santa Cruz County Private Schools Athletic League, while our high school is an associate member of CIF-CCS (California Interscholastic Federation--Central Coast Section). Our athletic teams complete against public and private schools in Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Benito Counties.
Middle School
Cost: $100 for the season
Girls Basketball
Boys Flag Football
Boys Basketball
Girls Volleyball
Coed Track/Field
High School
Cost: $150 for the season
Coed Cross Country
Girls Volleyball
Boys Basketball
Coed Track/Field
Coed Swim Team
All 9th -12th graders must have a yearly physical on file.
Student Physical Forms
Doctor Form
Parent/Student Form